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theme pubs

atmosphere-less drinking holes in the uk, characterised by artificial ye olde oake beams, plastic leprachauns, etc etc. I mean, what the hell does, say, cenral cardiff have to with the australian outback? fuck all, that's what. the worst ones are the oirish pubs.

i fancied a pint with my mates, but then one of the twats wanted to go to the "blarneystone n' firkin" so I decided not to bother

by ben dover of the yard July 8, 2004

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The highly amusing manner in which americans pronounce 'squirrel' because of their absurdly exaggerated and deeply annoying drawling accent y'all.

The same mannerism makes "Terror" sound like "terr'rr"

the fat stupid american tourist made a twat of himself when he said 'look at the itty bity squerl there climbing a tree'

by ben dover of the yard August 30, 2004

37πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

taking the piss

vb. Medical.

When one is asked to provide a urine sample at a hospital, clinic or doctor's surgery, one hands the jar to a nurse who is said to 'take the piss'.

I had to go to the clinic and the nurse took the piss out of me

by ben dover of the yard September 4, 2004

81πŸ‘ 238πŸ‘Ž


the same as buahahahahahahaha only with one less 'ha' , to give a medium length manic laugh

oh sod it, i'm, leaving off an extra ha, but you get the message, it's a manic laugh, said the evil genius.

by ben dover of the yard July 6, 2004

47πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


A drake-brockman is an absurd belief that goes against all rational evidence, because it reinforces one's bigoted view of a race or particular group of people. Usually, a drake-brockman is the result of deliberately misrepresenting a source to make them fit your world view.

Cherry the elderly papergirl believed the drake-brockman that asylum seekers are given £300 a week and a pat on the head by the Government, after someone told her this in a post office queue one day.

the de sica believed the drake-brockman that 'many asylum seekers are guilty of serious crimes in their own country' despite the fact that when she was repeatedly asked for evidence she failed to provide any.

by ben dover of the yard April 26, 2004

43πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

institutionally racist

what an official government report stated the metropolitan police is , in other words that racism is endemic, in all ranks and areas of the organisation, and the the so called decent officers (sic) are unwilling to speak out, therefore making them just as guilty.

some people don't like it, and will threaten you when you say it, but that the met is a disgrace is way beyond doubt.

by ben dover of the yard April 23, 2004

65πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

Death in custody

What happens to black people after they've been arrested by the metropolitan police but even when an inquest records a verdict of unlawful killing, no policemen are ever convicted (because criminal charges are assesed based on evidence gathered by, you've guessed it...the police!)

'sarge, I just beat a nigger to death in the cells. But he had it coming, he was giving me lip. Or he would have done if I hadn't hit him first, you know what they are like'

'don't worry son, I'll have to gather the evidence myself and of course i won't find any *wink wink* and of course there were no witnesses in this busy police station were there'

by ben dover of the yard April 23, 2004

64πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž