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fascist bullyboys

the metroplitan police

kill the niggers , break their kneecaps - we are the met boys.

by ben dover of the yard April 20, 2004

35πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


how the smirking chimp pronounces 'terror' (note the 'o')

Presidential press conference:

Smirking Chimp : "the war on terr'r will never be over..."

Journalist : "What the fuck are you talking about, it's 'terror' learn to speak English you illiterate buffon"

by ben dover of the yard August 31, 2004

43πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Football player, the best of his generation undoubtedly, if not the best player of all time (cetainly the best I've seen and i've been watching football since 1974).

Famous for the so-called 'hand of god' goal against England in the 1986 world cup, demonised ever since, not as if English players ever cheat now is it?

Pathetically, was voted Scotland's 'sportsman of the century' in 1999 but this is just typical of the small minded attitude and low-level racism of most jocks.

Maradona was a great football player. What he was and is as a man is irrelevant.

by ben dover of the yard August 31, 2004

459πŸ‘ 226πŸ‘Ž

wank holiday

A self-imposed period of refraining from masturbation , usually brought on by a combination of guilt and self loathing, and/or wrist cramps, or unexpectedly finding yourself with a girlfriend.

A wank holiday usually only lasts a day at most.

Mike's wrists were starting to ache again, so he decided to go on a wank holiday.

by ben dover of the yard May 2, 2006

83πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Remark frequently made by a watt in an internet conference to try and portray himself as one wild and crazy guy, whilst making 'jokes'about hitting women and dead Chinese people. What he really portrays himself as is a twat. Yes a twat.

Wibble!!!!! said the watt who also used lots of exclamation marks to try and show how wacky he was, but instead just made a bigger prick of himself than usual.

by ben dover of the yard November 14, 2004

31πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


a dreary town in the even drearier east midlands whose only claim to fame is the non-existent 'outlaw' Robin Hood who was a victorian work of fiction came from nearby. Every where you look there its robin hood this robin hood that and yes, you've guessed it robin hood the other.

everyone in nottingham is proud of a non-existant person because they bizarely think tourists will want to go there.

by ben dover of the yard August 5, 2004

61πŸ‘ 235πŸ‘Ž

stop and search

method used by the metropolitan police, among others, to intimidate and alienate most black people in their communities. People are stopped at random and have their clothing searched, in public, in the most humiliating way possible, usually accompanied by a large amount of sarcasm and unecessary physical force.

Is based on the incorrect assumption that most black people in inner city london are criminals.

The police stop 8 times more black people than they do whites.

Only a tiny number of searches result in the detection of any criminal behaviour or intent.

is another form of police brutality and more proof of the disgraceful state of aso-called public service in this country.

"look sarge, there's a nigger, and what's worse he's got a white woman on his arm.

"ok son you know what to do. Stop and search him, and be sure to plant some drugs in his pocket while you're at it"

by ben dover of the yard April 17, 2004

58πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž