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Tommy Lee Pool Party

A pool party where someone drowns because there was no lifeguard or adult supervision. Referencing the incident from 2001 where Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee had gone to hook up with a girl at her house, and when him and the girl were inside hooking up her kid drown in the swimming pool cuz no one was watching him.

"Hey! I'm dying up here! What is this? A Tommy Lee Pool Party!"

by big bobs house of feces October 10, 2023


An abbreviation for "Flirty Fishing", a tactic used by the Children of God cult (also known as The Family International, Teens for Christ, COG, The Family of Love and The Family) would use to recruit new members by sending female acolytes to bars and other establishments of ill repute to have sex with men in order to convert them to Christianity. The term "ffing" became widely used when members became aware people knew what "flirty fishing" was, and therefore needed to be more coy and obfuscate the name of the tactic their cult was based around.

I got over a dozen guys to join The Family by ffing!

Truly its easier for a woman to get into the kingdom of god than a man.

by big bobs house of feces October 11, 2023

swimming poo

When you fill an entire empty swimming pool with feces (preferably diarrhea, for its natural liquid like quality, although a few solid turns are nice for ensuring the pool stays shitty). Laxatives and milk of magnesia are useful for kicking the party off right. This is typically achieved by gathering 45 or so people (although this COULD be achieved with 36 people, butt with more difficulty). This is typically done for the purpose of a poo party. once it is filled guests are expected to cannon ball in and hold their breath in the "water" for as long as they can once submerged. Fucking in the waters of the swimming poo is not only welcomed, but encouraged.

Alright the swimming poo is browned and ready, last one in is a rotten egg!

this poo party is awesome, I'm glad we have such a nice swimming poo to kick back and relax in

by big bobs house of feces October 9, 2023

12 o'clock flasher

Someone who is technologically inept and or computer illiterate. Referring to an instance of a VCR or other home appliance or clock at that persons house constantly blinking "12:00" (likely for a while, due to their inability to set the item to its proper time)

Hey Johnny you busy?

Actually I am, I gotta help my mom check her email.

Can't she do that herself?

Nope, she's a 12 o'clock flasher...

by big bobs house of feces October 11, 2023

Cousin Kiss

A deep passionate French Kiss with tongue. The term originating from the 1975 film "Mandingo" in the film the character coyly and shyly accepts a "cousin kiss" with the implication it is innocent only for it to be lustful and amorous and intense.

Don't kiss me yet Rhett...unless of course it was just a cousin kiss...

by big bobs house of feces October 11, 2023

Tommy Lee Poo Party

A Poo Party in which someone dies. A common occurrence usually caused by cholera infection. However other factors can cause the death. Drowning in Diarrhea from the swimming poo, suffocation from too much poo in your mouth from the party games, choking on ones own vomit. Septic shock from getting poo in an open wound is a less common but still possible cause of a Tommy Lee Poo Party, as can chillidogging if people aren't safe about it (although that takes longer but can in theory retroactively make a Poo Party a Tommy Lee Poo Party) . To avoid a Tommy Lee Poo Party it is suggested that a nurse or doctor attend the poo party to prevent death or injury even if said individual is likely to be a party pooper.

oh no Lloyd is dead!

guess this just became a Tommy Lee Poo Party...

I grabbed that 10 inch turd and shoved it down gregs throat like a chocolate corndog and he just keeled over? I didn't sign up for a Tommy Lee Poo Party!

by big bobs house of feces October 11, 2023


Short for "Trans Ranch" a Tranch is a place for trans teenagers to go to after being rejected by religious parents. While on paper this sounds like an ideal situation a ranch out in the middle of nowhere just nature, animals, sun and fresh air Tranches are usually extremely sus. Rarely do these teens have parents permission to go these places and are typically runaways. hormone replacement medications are usually distributed without doctors approval and the people who run these Tranches are often predators who seek to take advantage of people who won't be missed. While a Tranch in theory is supposed to be a safe haven for any trans person with no age limit, often trans teens flock to these venues the most due to lack of resources and support in their lives.

well Krissy has been given the boot, where do you think they will go? probably a tranch.

You know I hear that actor runs a Tranch, given their history of sexual deviancy I worry for those kids...

by big bobs house of feces October 12, 2023