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disney bounding

The act of incorporating articles of clothing and/or colors from a popular Disney character (Eg. wearing a orange shirt with a yellow vest or cardigan to represent goofy). commonly done by "disney adults" also known as fucking weirdos

"hey Joe im going Disney Bounding at the magic kingdom at disney park, you wanna tag along"
"no jim, what the fuck is wrong with you. this is weird please stop our family is worried"

by big peepee man123 April 9, 2022

43👍 4👎


you were looking for pineapples but you typed it as Pinapple

Mark: ey bro i'm growing some Pinapples.

Jeff: you mean pineapples?
Mark: oh yeah sorry, autocorrect.
Jeff: but were talking in person?
Mark: *visibly sweating*
Mark: *wipes forehead*
Jeff: please stop wiping my fucking forehead

by big peepee man123 October 8, 2019

741👍 18👎