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Surveyors are supposed to be reasonably intelligent people capable of using equipment to gather survey data (elevation, coordinates, etc.) for a specified area. In reality, they're the idiots who couldn't pass their engineering classes but didn't want to be English majors. They can take the most advanced surveying equipment that uses data from up to a dozen satellites at once and somehow can still end up with data that is 20 feet off and 100 feet below sea level. Also cannot tell the difference between a fire hydrant and a sidewalk or a building and a chain-link fence when it comes time to label their borderline unusable data. They, along with architects, are the bane of every civil engineer and CAD drafter's existence.

See also: Idiot, Moron, Fucktard

Engineer: Did the surveyor give us any useful data this time?

Drafter: What do you think?

Engineer: Figures...

by bitter engineer January 3, 2018

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