Source Code

the cops

The relationship of the police to citizens is the sams as that of lion to prey.

Yup , that's the cops .

by broken down March 4, 2007

32👍 12👎

life sucks and then you die

Life sucks , then you die.But first life rapes you up the ass and slits your throat and leaves you to die.Then a gang comes along and beats the fuck out of you and takes your wallet.Then you get ran over repeatedly by a garbage truck.Then liberals tell you to be more sensitive.And then , if your lucky , you die.

Life's a bitch and she's back in heat...yup.. life sucks and then you die ...

by broken down March 4, 2007

1505👍 303👎


Amircle is a name of a warrior its well known for its bravery carefulness and emotional effects but tends to hide there emotions alot. They'll do anything to make sure everyone but themselves is happy

That person there they remind me of amircle

by broken down November 22, 2021