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jess has big nose and looks like Donald trump and always puts herself before other very un loyal never tell her any of your secrets because she will tell everyone and makes people lives hell do not be friends with a jess

jess is ugly

by brutaly honest.com April 2, 2022

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Forehead Thackeray

Forehead Thackeray has a forehead and looks like a crackhead

Forehead Thackeray is a crack head

by brutaly honest.com October 1, 2023

Bea Budd

SheҀ™s an amazing person definitely not a meady thing loves flying even down stairs has a great dad who is going through the effort of trying to find the milk and she is very tall ablest 5 1Ҁ

SheҀ™s so flipping funny but has an attitude problem

Bea Budd is short tempered

by brutaly honest.com July 24, 2022

Bea budd

Bea is NOT a meady ting

Bea Budd is gorgeous definitely not a meady ting

by brutaly honest.com July 25, 2022


Heidi is an amazing girl she is so hot she could start a fire she has mad back she will always make you smile she loves animals and cooks the best nuggets out there you will have a great time with her and make the best memories with her she has a kind heart and she loves her fluffy socks and naps

Heidi is an amazing person

by brutaly honest.com April 2, 2022

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A meady ting

Taaliahs a meady ting

by brutaly honest.com July 24, 2022

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Filk is fart milk

Hey would u like some Filk with your cereal

by brutaly honest.com July 25, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž