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simple plan

a pop-punk band from canada. that's it. plain and...simple.

they're really nothing much to be wasting your time over if you don't fancy them.

(faggot) dude...simple plan fucking sux, dude...blah blah blah blah blah...

(me) dude..get a fucking life.

by celebrity foreskin February 11, 2005

350👍 381👎

oh no you didn't

uhm...oh yes i did...

OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!!

uhm...yes, i did! bitch!

by celebrity foreskin February 24, 2005

74👍 187👎


dumb yellow bracelet that it's become a trend for everyone to wear, supporting some foundation founded by some bicyclist with one nut.

makes a great cockring.

everyone has one now...it's fucking insane.

by celebrity foreskin February 11, 2005

49👍 91👎