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when you build thousands of bunkers to fight revisionism or something

Hoxhaism is when you build bunkers. The more bunkers you build, the more Hoxhaist it is. And when you build a whole lot of bunkers, the struggle against revisionism has been won

by cheese toastie with pickles November 25, 2021

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. when you have a lot of flags in your twitter bio or username
2. opposing rich and powerful countries controlling poorer countries, which they do through economic domination, military invasions, election interference, and regime change operations, so that they can develop their societies independently without aggressive foreign influence

anti-imperialism reverses the effects of past and present imperialism

by cheese toastie with pickles November 25, 2021

bussy saka

when the sussy baka eats ass

Person A: listen here Jack, in this world you're either a sussy baka or bussy saka
Person B: bussy kinda sussy
Person A: *bussy ate*

by cheese toastie with pickles October 5, 2021

19๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž