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full force

1. With maximum power
2. Hardest, fastest, strongest, etc...

1."We got assigned a paper in English, so I went at it full force and did it the first night."
2.The general planned a full force attack and sent all his troops on one bombardment.

by chicken butt August 11, 2003

4👍 6👎

all over it

1. to love an idea or thing
2. to be excited about something

1. "platform shoes! oh yeah, i'm ALL over them!"
2. "is friday night ok?" "oh, yeah! i'm all over it, babe!"

by chicken butt July 14, 2003

1👍 4👎


1. A name for a couple, like a "pair" or a way to say that two people are going out. Not to be used for married people, it's usually used when someone suspects two people are going out, but doesn't know. Or they are telling someone that two people are going out.

1. "So, Josh and Brittany, I guess they're a "thing" now.
2. "Dude, so are Josh and Brittany, like, a "thing" or what?

by chicken butt July 14, 2003

49👍 33👎

solitary confinement

1. When an occupant of a prison does something reckless or anything severe that is against prison regulations, he is put in solitary confinment. Solitary confinment puts prisoners in a small, dark cell with no windows or light for a period of time, without ANY contact to the outside world or any other part of the prison or prisoners.

1. Butch made another escape attempt yesterday and they put him in solitary confinment for 3 weeks.

by chicken butt October 7, 2003

37👍 12👎

chicken butt

1. It doesnt mean a chickens butt, it's a nickname.
2. One person who submits cool definitions to the dictionary.

1. "Hey, ya chicken butt! Whats up?
2. "Whoa! Did you see Chicken Butt's definition for "thing"? It kicks total ass!"

by chicken butt July 14, 2003

98👍 455👎