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Web M.D.-lusional

adj. The state of being convinced one is suffering from an illness/disorder/etc. much more severe than what one really has based on a Web M.D. diagnosis.

Ty: I researched my symptoms online, and I think I may have a brain tumor.
Cassie: That's Ty; he's Web M.D.-lusional.

by clarke paley December 4, 2010


v. to ramble on aimlessly without any foreseeable end, often times providing more detail than necessary.

Would you stop ostentoculating and get to the point?

When i tell stories, i have a bad tendency to ostentoculate.

by clarke paley February 18, 2010

1👍 1👎

assembly-line music

music that is mass-produced, usually containing what seems to be interchangable parts; such as recycled beats, melodies, themes, song structures, etc.

I can't listen to top 40s radio; it's all assembly-line music.

by clarke paley October 23, 2010

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