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The Money Shot

A cream based shot, usually Baileys, purchased at a bar for someone and then drank into the mouth of the buyer. At this point the shot is spit into the face of the recipient.

I bought Heather The Money Shot for her birthday cuz I said I would buy her a drink. Now she hates me.

by corey kolvenbach December 27, 2006

14👍 28👎

silver strainer

a sexual act in which your partner creates an insicion in the scrotum and then has you teabag them, after which a testicle is sucked through the opening.

its illegal in all fifty states to give the silver strainer to anyone.

by corey kolvenbach August 1, 2004

73👍 19👎


akin to a sphincter. used widely by lazy lamens dodging the extra effort of having to use all letters per word.

ah spincter says what?

by corey kolvenbach May 29, 2004

6👍 17👎