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Surrey Jack

An Indo canadian person who thinks he’s top shit and tax’s people’s shoes and clothes, Usually they vape, smoke weed, and drink crown royal. They have a turbine haircut, and wear Jordan, Nike, Adidas or Champion. Most live in newton but is now expanding to guildford and white rock. You can find most surrey jacks at GTC or Central. There instagrams usually include “604” in them.

P1: Hey wanna go to GTC

P2: No way the surrey jack is there and he stole my canada goose

by crack is good November 15, 2019

63👍 3👎


any girls names that starts with an S or A

usually talks to multiple guys and has sex with more then one person in a month

Person 1: Hey you know sage?

Person 2: You mean the slut?

by crack is good November 15, 2019