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when a man is so fat, his belly hangs down further than his dick does.

look at that man. he has dick-do disease! his gut hangs down further than his dick does!

by da trick biatch May 10, 2006

278πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž

tic tac titties

when its really cold, and your nipples get super hard, theyre like tic tacs. pretty much self-explanitory!

it's so fuckin' cold i got tic tac titties!

by da trick biatch November 26, 2005

340πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


BULL SHIT UNLIMITED. aka,a compulsive liar. they lie all the time, about anything. if you take careful notes on what they tell you, you can fuck with them unmercifully!like B.S.U. said on April 14th, his "oil money" would be directly deposited in his bank account, but was too broke to buy lunch on the 16th.

Oh, fuck. here comes B.S.U. wonder what he's gonna lie about today...

by da trick biatch April 24, 2006

213πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

da trick biatch

often described as a snotty bitch. comes up with clever put downs and is very sarcastic.

i am da trick biatch.

by da trick biatch December 22, 2005

267πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


the thirty minutes before nightfall, or the thirty minutes after night falls.basically the 1 hour time frame as it becomes dark.

i told david the party starts at dark-thirty.

by da trick biatch December 20, 2005

240πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

shameless shitter

someone who doesn't give a shit! they will shit LOUDLY in a public restroom, without worrying about who might hear them! the shitting is accompanied by loud farting, grunting and plops.they often don't flush, either,so everyone can enjoy the fruits of their labor.

did you hear that shameless shitter in the restroom? omg! that was NASTY!!!!! i hope they at least flushed!

by da trick biatch March 3, 2006

282πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


the adventure state. the most beautiful state in the country. i could never live anywhere else.we have great accents, good food, friendly people. everything anyone could want!

georgia!georgia! georgia on my mind.

by da trick biatch March 31, 2006

1846πŸ‘ 1505πŸ‘Ž