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the adventure state. the most beautiful state in the country. i could never live anywhere else.we have great accents, good food, friendly people. everything anyone could want!

georgia!georgia! georgia on my mind.

by da trick biatch March 31, 2006

1846πŸ‘ 1505πŸ‘Ž

take a slam

to take a slam is to shit. thouroughly! its a huge dump. one thats capable of blowing the back off the toilet. it is often jet-propelled, and accompanied by farts.

i gotta go take a slam, where's the air freshener?

by da trick biatch March 2, 2006

272πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


a person who smokes all the time.

geez, that dude is a smokester! look at his car windows, they are yellow with nicotine. he is disgusting and always smells like an ashtray.

by da trick biatch December 22, 2005

298πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Miami pimp smack

a pimp smack, laid down with both hands at the same time. point of contact is the ho's ears, and results in busted ear drums.

Josh laid the Miami pimp smack on that Shrek lookin' ho.

by da trick biatch November 26, 2005

292πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


those unpleasant, sometimes painful spots sunglasses cause on either side of your nose. they ruin your makeup, and look crazy.

damn! my glasses got tweaked and gave me huge zizebots!

by da trick biatch December 22, 2005

317πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

vincent vega

John Travolta's character in Pulp Fiction. he's a kick ass hit man/druggie. gotta love him!

i can't believe Vincent Vega was not in here already. he is cool personified!

by da trick biatch May 12, 2006

383πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

you can't polish a turd

trying to "fix up" a junky car.it cannot be done, give it up!

nathan, sell that cavi!you can't polish a turd!

by da trick biatch December 21, 2005

363πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž