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Whatever takes you home.

This millennial update of the Swingin' 60's "Whatever turns you on" is a little bit more cynical, yet more open to so-called alternative lifestyles. Truly a "post-porn" phrase, it refers to the internal visualizations one does as fantasy to induce sexual arousal and ultimately, orgasm ("home"). Loosely, it can mean "Whatever makes you happy" or "There's no accounting for taste."

Gossip #1: Have you seen his new wife? She's half his age, and he insisted that she have breast implants done, and that she bleach her hair blonde!"

Gossip #2: Wow. Whatever takes you home, I guess, hmm?


Man #1: I'm painting my house canary yellow... What do you think?

Man #2: Whatever takes you home.

by david lincoln brooks March 24, 2006

18πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


Taken from the world of cinema and CGI (computer-generated imagery), this refers to the controlled ageing, weathering and worrying done to the set, props and costumes of a movie to give the viewer the impression of an old or used or weathered mise-en-scene.

I'm directing a picture about 18th century France, and my artistic designer currently has hands simulating an authentic look of the period by using charcoal and mud to dirtify all my sets.

by david lincoln brooks August 5, 2007

5πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


(adjective, used in the fields of fine art, graphic art, CGI, animation and film) Of, like or resembling a cartoon. Usually said of a drawing, caricature or CGI image, animation or film. Including the simplification of forms, exaggeration of caricaturing, and often including bright, saturated colors. Often looking more 2-dimensional than 3D, flat, like a cartoon.

Example: "In our next CGI film, we want the overall look to be more toony, less naturalistic and realistic."

"In my sketch here, I'm deliberately exaggerating proportions to make things look more toony."

"The actor's exaggerated facial expressions and bodily movements almost give his performance a toony quality."

by david lincoln brooks October 12, 2018

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


(South African vulgar English slang. Derived from Afrikaans. Literally means "box", slang term for a vagina. Extremely pejorative.)

(Pronounced to rhyme with the English words "do us")

A very stupid, obstreporous, despicable, disagreeable person, often a male. An "asshole" or "dickhead".

Example 1: "Ag, that ouk is a real doos, ek se."

Translation: "Man, that guy is a real asshole, I'm telling you."

Example 2: "Listen, stop being such a doos."

Translation: "Listen, stop being such a foolish idiot."

by david lincoln brooks November 16, 2010

96πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

rotsa ruck

Besides an un-PC imitation of an Asian's speech accent, rotsa ruck is a backhanded rejoinder: It is a way of sarcastically saying: "You'll never be successful at doing that." OR "That's a near-impossible task."

Probably originated on American college campuses of the 1960's.

Man #1: I'm studying political science and world religions, so I can finally bring peace between the Jews and Muslims on the Gaza Strip.

Man #2: Rotsa ruck on THAT one.


Woman: I'm meeting with the Texas PTA tonight to convince teachers to discuss GLBT issues with their sixth-graders.

Man: Hey, rotsa ruck on that.

by david lincoln brooks March 23, 2014

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

stove up

Swollen and badly bruised. Phrase primarily in rural, folk or country use in the USA. Often used to refer to an eye that is so swollen and black (usually due to a fist punch), it appears closed over.

On COPS, they showed a woman who'd been beaten up by her boyfriend; her face was all stove up.

by david lincoln brooks October 10, 2007

51πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž


(South African surfer's English. Derived from Afrikaans.)

A "guy", a man, a fellow, a "dude".

Rhymes with "oak". Also seen as "ou".

Ag, nought, man, I don't smaak that ouk, ek se.

"Oh, no, man, I don't like that dude, I have to say."

by david lincoln brooks November 13, 2010

15πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž