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drum major

An experienced member of a marching band who leads the other band members in the director's stead. They bear the responsibilities of maintaining discipline, improving the band's marching and playing abilities, and doing what they can to lighten the burden of the director. Drum majors are often seen as pompous, condescending jerks who are incapable of thinking for themselves once they have been given the position. This may true for some, but more often than not, the drum major is a respectable person who is merely trying to take his job seriously while mainting social relationships with other band members. During performances, drum majors conduct the band and maintain a consistent tempo. An ideal band will have it's drumline watching the drum major and the rest of the band following the drumline. The drum major tends to wear a uniform that is distinctly unique from the rest of the band so as to be easily identified in parades, on the field, at competitions, etcetera.

New Member: Why is the drum major such a jerk to everyone?

Veteran Member: I know he can be an arse sometimes, but he's just doing his job.

Director: Is the band ready to perform on Saturday?

Drum Major: Yes. We were having trouble with some of our sets and it was a bit difficult keeping everyone in time, but we tweaked a few things and we should be fine.

Band Member: Dude, what's your problem? You don't have to be rude about it, just loosen up.

Drum Major: Look, I know I can come across as a jerk, but it's frustrating when I tell you all to do something and you take advantage my patience and don't listen.

by der Oberst September 16, 2012

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