Source Code

sunday curse

having school or work on monday, and not being able to get to sleep on sunday.

usually it carries over, and makes it really easy to get to sleep on monday night, although sometimes a little too early

I got 3 fuckin hours of sleep last night because of the damn sunday curse

by diddy kong September 10, 2007

64πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

happily heated

the state of being both happy and heated (angry)

I spent an hour looking for my 5 pages of math homework last night (at 2 a.m.), and ended up finding it right under my pillow. note that I was sitting on my bed when I noticed I lost my homework. I was happily heated to find it

anthony was happily heated when he finally lost his virginity, but caught a few stds in the process

by diddy kong December 16, 2009

56πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Dave Wise

the almighty composer for the donkey kong country series. much mcuh much better than most artists out there who produce music nowadays, even though his songs were from a decade ago.

dave wise made the theme to great levels like stickerbrush symphony, the song to the bramblez level.

by diddy kong April 16, 2008

71πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


trick + itch

when u feel an itch and scratch it, but it doesn't go away, and you can't seem to figure out where the itch is for about a minute but its for sure in that area. that minute will drive ordinary ppl insane

man i feel an itch but i cant figure out where it is

tricitch homie lifes a bitch yo

by diddy kong December 23, 2008

62πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

The Voice

A gimmicky American Idol ripoff singing competition show used to boost to sales of the hosts: Maroon 5, Gnarls Barkley, Christina Aguilera, and some gay country singer. Rumors have it their careers plummeted when Christina got stuck in a bottle, Ceelo was hit with depression when his girl left him, and Adam was hospitalized for liking to get beaten by his woman.

I haven't seen The Voice yet. What's it about?....You mean a singing competition based off of the sounds of their voices? REVOLUTIONARY!!!! MY GOD PUT IT ON

by diddy kong June 29, 2011

61πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

Pants at a time like this?

When one has concerns bigger than the relationship between their bottoms and their bottom wears.

Dude, can you put your pants on already?! I find it strange I have to ask twice...

...Pants at a time like this?!!

by diddy kong June 18, 2011

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

i was like

a crucial component to teenage story telling, to describe the storytellers view on said story.

white girl: "Nikki was like with him the whole night...i was like what a slut."

black dude: "this bitch wouldn't leave me the fuck alone! i was like damn bitch, you aint even that pretty, plus you aint got no ass."

by diddy kong September 17, 2009

312πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž