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refers to a kid in special education (meaning they have a disability)

mostly used as a insult towards someone who did something stupid or is acting slow.

*teacher says directions*

brianna: what did she just say ?
sam: nigga ur a sped she just said them.

by dm(v) slang February 20, 2019

36👍 12👎


another way of saying “i know”

diego: i swear loren is annoying
justin: i’m hip. she’s clingy !

by dm(v) slang February 20, 2019

102👍 24👎


replaces really in a sentence

leah: yooo u see the new guy at school?
mia: i did he jhi like hot as fuckkkk

by dm(v) slang February 20, 2019

130👍 19👎


instead of calling someone by their real name in the dmv you call the “moe”

it’s a nickname you call anyone

*walks into room*

me: was good moe ?
thomas: nun much moe.

by dm(v) slang February 20, 2019

597👍 215👎