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1. Having a fabulous cock
2. A cock with monsterous and fabulous balances
3. A cock that all woman cannot resist
4. Being in posession of a cock of mass proportions.

Damnit Rob, save us some of these women. The all know that you're cocktaculous and we can't get any play.

-Man that dude pulls so much strange.

-Yea, all the bitches know he's cocktaculous.

by dr. seif September 22, 2011


1) The continuous act of teabagging.
2) Leaving your "tea bag" exposed or soaking in the mouth of another.
3) Enjoying a drink called the "craptain teabag" (made of captain morgan and iced tea)

Levere's constant teabaggery has left his balls exposed to the elements

-Can I get a double captain and iced tea?

-Sorry sir we don't condone teabaggery at this establishment.

Open your mouth and say ah. Here comes a nightsworth of teabaggery ho.

by dr. seif May 29, 2011

5👍 1👎


1. The act of hounding poon.
2. Constantly getting women to engage in intercourse.
3. The act of being a poonhound.

Damnit Rob, I'm tired of your constant poonhoundary. It's time to settle down.

He pulled so much ass. Nothing but poonhoundary all day long.

by dr. seif April 27, 2011

11👍 1👎