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I rekon

I reckon is an extension of I guess so and I'm not sure.

Is the laundry done running ? I rekon !

by dragonboy8586 January 29, 2020

40πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

It doesn't care

It is an extension of it doesn't matter and I don't care. Most commonly used for inanimate objects or creatures to show indifference towards something.

Are you going to feed your fish? it doesn't care!

by dragonboy8586 January 24, 2020

31πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When a person isn't normal evil they're actually wickedly evil which is more cunning and conniving to hurt or undermined others.

Man I can't really believe how much of a wevil your ex is !

by dragonboy8586 November 14, 2019

Get all your ducks in a row

IT's a term used to tell someone to get everything lined up first so its simpler to do know mate what the task.

Tim - its never gana werk ! Henry - why not ? Tim - because you didnt get all your ducks in a row.

by dragonboy8586 May 1, 2021


To be fucked up beyond all belief . A descriptive tool used to express in none vulgar way how mind blowingly messed up something is.

Mom I got in a car accident and my car is fewbard ! Or , I took something and got fewbard !

by dragonboy8586 August 11, 2020

19πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

pulled out of thin air

A descriptive tool used to describe how easy or thoughtlessly a thought or item is brought to existence

It was pulled out of thin air. What? My Wonder and the rabbit out of the hat.

by dragonboy8586 September 11, 2020


A term used as a describe displeasure in something, dismay, such as simple disappointment.

Dan - did you win that game ? Frank - shoowt no they cheated !

by dragonboy8586 July 14, 2021