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When you are boning a Jewish American Princess and you spin her around while she is riding your cock.

Kyle dradled that bitch hardcore.

by duncan October 21, 2004

178πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž

double bagger

A woman of questionable background, with whom sex would necessitate wearing two condoms.

Q: Would you screw Paris Hilton?
A: Sure, but I'd double up on the jimmy hats 'cuz she's a double bagger.

by duncan February 19, 2005

60πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž

rainbow kiss

Indeed, the term refers to performing cunilingus on a menstruating female, often followed by orally swapping semen and blood/other secretions. NOTHING to do with homosexuals.

by duncan March 13, 2003

3334πŸ‘ 1618πŸ‘Ž


Liverpudlian slang for a homosexual

You wouldn't catch me at Garlands, mate, that's where the quegs go.

by duncan April 4, 2004

291πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


Yet another slang term for womens breasts.

She's got some nice mcguffies

by duncan August 22, 2005

55πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


definition unknown; also a sauce, slightly peanut buttery, with chocolate coating.

" Yeaaaaah RELOSHA!" " May i have a side of relosha please?"

by duncan March 17, 2003

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

six by six

A huge burger from In-n-Out (a western US chain) comprised of 6 patties of meat and 6 slices of cheese. See "double double" and "four by four".

"Welcome to In-n-Out, may I take your order?"
"I'll have a six by six and a vanilla shake."
"That'll be $7.50, fattie"

by duncan June 8, 2004

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž