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pantsing is the act of letting the pantsie know that the showing of old, cheap, smelly underwear by wearing one's pants (bought at Big Lots or stolen from the laundromat) low on the hips offends a person or persons directly behind, to the point that the pantser feels a social and patriotic obligation to embarass the pantsie by pulling down the pants the rest of the way and letting the pantsie try to walk away without looking like a ruptured duck.

ike: check out that guy! his dad must be a plumber!
mike: holy shit! maybe he's unable to dress himself without his mommy's help!
ike: or maybe he can't undress himself.............should we give him a hand?
mike: sure! in fact, let's give him two hands!
*at this point the pantsing is performed on the victim*
ike: nice knees, loser! pull up your pants and get the hell away from here!
mike: isn't some village missing an idiot? maybe you should apply, you little pantsie!

by earpuller September 15, 2005

32๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

Loading-on-White circle of death

This occurs on the Urban Dictionary editing page (probably other places as well) while an editor is waiting for new defs to load for the editing process. It might be the direct result of slow internet connections, or ancient, decrepit computers.

maggie: this sucks!
aggie: what's that?
maggie: i was editing defs on UD, and all of a sudden all i see is this circular graphic thingy that goes around and around and around and-
aggie: oh, i see that once in a while. i call it the "Loading-on-White circle of death. when i see it either i have to refresh, or i have to close my browser and relaunch it. it's a real pain in the ass.
maggie: but i'm a dedicated editor? what do i do?
aggie: dumby, i just told you! either refresh the page or relaunch your web browser!
maggie:, er, thanks a lot. may you forever be under the influence of the loading-on-white circle of death forever and ever, amen.

by earpuller December 17, 2010

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scrubbing rust

another way of describing a useless task to be performed. similar to pushing water uphill, scrubbing rust is pointless to anyone with half a brain. therefore, most managers and supervisors can't understand why you don't want to do the job at hand.

big boss man-ok, after you get done pushing water uphill, you and eddie take apart that holding tank and start scrubbing rust. we need it super clean and sanitary.
me and eddie-you've got to be fucking kidding me!! how does scrubbing rust clean anything? it just wastes time.
big boss man-hey, i'm in charge around here, and you'll do as i say or you'll be fired! understood?
me and eddie-understood. fire away, asshole!!

by earpuller July 15, 2006

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judge joe brown

verb-to be told off or schooled by an older man, who is probably right for getting on your ass. If it's an older woman, use the verb judge judy.

bobby: when my dad finds out i wrecked his car he's gonna judge joe brown me for hours.

by earpuller September 27, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

situational lesbian

a straight woman who uses the old "i'm a lesbian" line to put off an undesirable (at least in her eyes) guy who is hitting on her. actually, she wouldn't munch the carpet if her life depended on it, but she figures it's better to give a phony excuse to the bozo than to tell him the truth and have it turn out he's a heavily-armed psychopath.

ben: uh, hey jen, would you like to go to the movies with me tomorrow night?
jen: sorry, ben. i guess you didn't know i'm gay. but thanks anyway! (walks quickly ot the other side of the room.)
len: who was that creep? want me to smash his face in for you?
jen: no, he's okay. i just told him i'm a dike and his boner went all soft.
len: wow, you're a real situational lesbian, aren't you? wanna let me fuck your brains out? whoa, looks like i'm too late!

by earpuller November 20, 2010

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owa tafah kingu fiam

say it really fast, that's the definition.

the old guy in the turban sat in the corner, chanting "owa tafah kingu fiam" over and over again. when i joined him, i understood it all.

by earpuller November 23, 2010

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professional virgin

noun: a woman who flaunts her "pureness" in public while sucking cock in private. Her image would be sullied if it were revealed that she was just like everyone else in her peer group (sexually active). Could also apply to a man, I guess, but how many guys brag about being a virgin?

the following are examples of celebrity women who could be accused of being professional virgins-

circa 1982-"Hi, I'm Brooke Shields, and I never, ever have sex with anyone! I'm saving myself for marriage!!" (doggy style? ok, Andre!!)
circa 1998-"Hi, I'm Britney Spears, and I'm as pure as the driven snow!! I don't let a boy go all the way with me ever! I'm waiting until I'm married!!" (ok, Justin, but let me mouthwash first. I can still taste your cock.)

by earpuller September 17, 2005

56๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž