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pasta and meatballs

to have a super-slim wiry dick and some big ass nuts

douche: so she said she figured i was hung like seabiscuit altho im only 7" and thats even in dick inches! but then turns out her ex had pasta and meatballs in his drawers so i guess im worth a lot more to her.

by ed the Word September 15, 2009

21πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

...and em

a suffix added to mean and stuff. the clean version of 'and shit'

why is your momma actin all crazy ...and em? i just called her a MILF? that was a compliment!...smh

by ed the Word September 14, 2009

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

you had me at hell no

a losers alibi that no means yes. usually reserved for guys who also say rape is when a woman changes her mind later. same dudes that say they like it when a chick puts up a fight and consider outright rejection 'a fight'

douche: so can i have your number?

hot chick: nah, i dont think thats a good idea

douche: so you wanna call me instead?

hot chick: wtf? of course not! why would you even think that? what do i have to tell you for you to understand that we dont work???

douche: well you had me at hell no

by ed the Word September 11, 2009

39πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

de ja boo

dating a girl who's cliche and unoriginal attitude reminds you of a girl you've already dated before. a girl who reminds you of a girl youve been with before

flirt kobain: i totally got de ja boo with this girl i took out last time, she dressed like sally, spoke like eva, ate like amanda and even smelt like susanne...i figured sleeping with her would be like masturbating to a mural of all the girls i'd ever been with...

by ed the Word September 23, 2009

44πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

sex in the shitty

to do a bougie girl in the ass. a girl who thinks she's all that in terms of status and fashion taking one up the shitter...
kinda like one the girls from the sex in the city movie

maxwell met this crazy girl at the pool...she had an accent as genuine as a 3 dollar bill. so he followed her home last night and he came back smelling like ass. i asked what that was about and he yelled "SEX IN THE SHITTY BRO!

by ed the Word September 22, 2009

39πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

producer credit in smurf porn

a girl that is responsible for a lotta blueballs. either a lot of times with the same person or a lotta dudes trading stories can figure out she has a knack for turning you way on an not finishing you off...

playboy: last night that girl from next door came over and gave me a bj...and midway thru she started saying it was wrong and she couldnt do it and started cryin and she ran out of the room and left me with a boner the size of africa. madagascar inclusive. i think she wants a commitment

jamie fuxx: no what i think is she probably has producer credit in smurf porn

by ed the Word September 14, 2009

39πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

chat the fuck up

a notice for someone to keep talkin...the new version of 'no way' and 'you dont say'

ed: you know whats crazier...he took the money and had them pay him for it...

dave:chat the fuck up bruv!

by ed the Word October 5, 2009

36πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž