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para los papeles

when your homie goes to Mexico and he brings back an immigrant to marry so that she can become legal

“¿te trajiste una vieja de mexico?”
“nomas para los papeles compa”

by elmini January 9, 2020


the present tense of hitting a lic or robbing someone but can also be said in passed-tensed as “passed”
commonly used by bravo the bagchaser and late austin the pacman, rest in peace

“did you see chris flexing on his story?” “yeah that foos an easy lic let’s pass on his ass”
“i just passed in the field, yes i hit another lic” -austin the P

by elmini October 8, 2020


another way of saying you hit a lic or are going to hit a lic. (aka rob someone)
can also be used with the word lic to clarify the definition without actually explaining it (ex: “we bouta pass on a lic, you tryna tag along?”)

“did you see chris flexing on his story?” “yeah i’m bouta pass on that foo”

“me and baby hit a lic, passed took off with a safe” -bravo the bagchaser

“i just passed in the field, yes i hit another lic” -austin the pacman

by elmini October 8, 2020