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used to describe an unintelligent bank one teller and/or customer service representative

That bitch over there is a real shitass.

That fucking shitass better remove those service fees from my account.

by enraged bank one customer February 14, 2005

43👍 46👎


similar to shitass, as it is used to describe bank tellers but at non Bank One branches.

That little pissdick didn't give me all of my money back.

by enraged bank one customer February 14, 2005

11👍 9👎


something is awesome or of high quality

Me: Greg, did you get into early access?
Greg: Hell yeah brother, that game flips. I can't wait for it to hit release.

by enraged bank one customer October 30, 2021


plural term for receiving oral sex

I only work here for the dicksuck.

by enraged bank one customer February 14, 2005

26👍 21👎