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Half a fag

It doesn't meant calling a man gay, it doesn't mean homosexual necessarily. It's a supposably humorous kind of term used to make fun of a man not necessarily macho or manly-manly. It can be used towards men lacking manly needs to be looked at as macho and toughened up , and is therefore called "Half a fag". It can be used for humor but can be used to make fun of or give someone a harsh truth. It is a harsh term to be called after, especially by someone you love..

-Son, take a punch
*Uhhh no please
*AHHHH ! Take me to my mommyyyyy !
-What the fuck ?! You half a fag, goddamned pussy-ass piece of shit !

by exploding air plane 6969 September 3, 2017

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A mood, which is a mix of being anxious, uneasy, restless and bored. You are typically antsy when expecting something pleasurable and exciting to happen or just expecting something to happen in general, but you're sitting on your ass somewhere very uneasy, unable to sleep, unable to eat, unable to sit still pouting in your head that it still hasn't happened. For Example: Your friends are gonna pick you up and take you to roll up at a lit ass party, but they taking for ever, so you sit there anxious, bored as hell, filled with anger and expectancy towards something very specific just not coming through, and feeling very.. well.. Antsy! It's not a common feeling, but kind of similar to feeling worried, but over something less serious like expecting something to happen..

I'm antsy as fuck, I'm just gonna sleep, oh wait I cant sleep! I'm just going to eat something, oh wait I can't eat, i don't feel like eating! Im just going to watch TV, oh wait ? I'm so damn ansty !! When's my homies coming to get me, damn it !

by exploding air plane 6969 September 4, 2017

30πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Tough Guy

A man, physically strong, typically hot tempered, and down to put up a fight. "Tough guys" are defined as dudes who throw punches and won't back down, they are not afraid of anyone, they fight really good and are to be feared. To earn a reputation as a tough guy, you must have fighting experience, typically a rep of street fights and to a hot tempered individual who has had grusome brawls with their opponents. Alot of tough guys can be good guys too, but that doesn't mean they don't have it in them..

-Tough Guy
Come get some, homie!

by exploding air plane 6969 September 4, 2017

61πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Phoenix, Arizona is a major city located in the Southwest region of the United States. It is Arizona's State Capital, 5th biggest city in the US and is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the country. It has a population of approximately 1.6 million and that's just the city of Phoenix. The metro area including Phoenix and surrounding cities( Mesa, Scottsdale, Chandler, Tempe, etc.) adds up to 4.5 million residents total! People often refer to Phoenix as the metro area, referring to any city located within the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, rather than referring to a specific city. It's located apart of the Southern Arizona desert and is one of the hottest US cities, greatly known for its summertime heat exceeding over 110* everyday. So there you have it, Phoenix, Arizona..

-Lets go to Mesa and get lit at my sugar momma's pad, whad ya say ?

-Whats Mesa ?

- Phoenix! lets go to Phoenix!

-Ohhh Phoenix ! Letme dip into your momma bro !

by exploding air plane 6969 August 15, 2017

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A US interstate highway that runs in an east-west radius in the southern portion of the United States in the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida . It's west terminus is in Los Angeles, CA in the Santa Monica area at PCH, California State Hwy 1. It's easy terminus is in Jacksonville, Florida at Interstate US Highway 95. It runs over 2,000 miles across the county and is the 4th longest interstate highway in the United States. It runs through major cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Antonio, Houston, New Orleans, Jacksonville and many more populated cities. It can be called I-10, Interstate 10, US Interstate highway 10, and can be called 10 freeway in populated metro areas and cities.

( Dave ) Aye babe lets escape this fucking summertime heat in Phoenix and go hit up LA and Cali. How do we get there ?

( Lexie ) We just hop on the I-10 all the way west, we'll arrive in about 4-6 hours. No other routes

by exploding air plane 6969 August 2, 2017

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Refers to the loved ones you consider Γ’Β€ΒœfamilyҀ. They are the relatives closest to you and you therefore refer to them as fam. Everyone has family-those related to them, but not everyone has family-family. If you have loved ones to refer to as Γ’Β€ΒœfamҀ, treasure that, take advantage of your that, love and treasure your true fam..

Bros and sisҀ™s, lets go the Dodger game on Sunday, whad ya say, fam ?!

by exploding air plane 6969 October 3, 2017

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Half Sibling

Siblings whom have only one common parent whether it's their mother or their father. Half-siblings sometimes are raised together, but more commonly raised in their two separate families. Half-siblings are typically separated and have somewhat distant relationships, when not raised together which is very common. If you have half-siblings, you call them brother, sister, not "half", or you call them nothing....

Half Sibling -

I love you, brothers and sisters. We should catch up sometime.. :)

by exploding air plane 6969 August 31, 2017

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