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rowan- typically related to a boy, but is in fact a generally female name, rowans are crazy, weird, but very fun to be around, rowans are hugaholics need lots of love, or they might do something that everyone will regret.

rowans are creative, artistic, and just generally, intelligent...


rowans moods can swing from distant genius, to hyper spaz, and sometimes, a spazzy genius.

rowans hate being labeled, and will let you know that by viciously tearing you apart either verbally, or physically.

rowans are generally, cat-like, obsessing over strange/shiny/pretty things and love attention, but do not like to brag/ show off to get it.

love them or hate them, rowans don't force you to think anything about them, and no matter what you tell them, they will continue to do what they want, be who they want, and mess with your mind and heart along the the way

don't get cocky with a rowan, they have some of the most evil comebacks, it makes you feel sorry for them and hate them at the same time

person: hey rowan!
rowan: hey person :3
person: what with the face?
rowan:you mean yours? its messed up.
person:(shouting) WHY DID YOU SAY THAT???
rowan: (shouting equally loud) BECAUSE YOU WERE MAKING FUN OF MY FACE!!!!!! ITS NOT MY FAULT I AM UGLY!!
person: WTF??YOUR NOT UGLY!!
rowan: YES I AM!!
rowan: really?
person: really.
rowan: i love you too <3

by feral child April 11, 2010

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