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Cesco sul pesco

Cesco sul pesco (“Cesco on the peach tree”), a short-gimli, and failed guitarist. He works part-time in “Trincanotte” a famous strip club. He is well known for his researches and studies about physics and his theory regarding the correlation between harmonic oscillators and masturbating.

“Oh no! Cesco sul pesco is playing guitar again.”

by finocchio nucleare July 31, 2024

Uomo ratto

Uomo ratto (“rattus” in neapolitan), is an adjective that can be attributed to someone, when they’re acting like creeps and tend to importunate someone for sexual interests.

“Oh no! the uomo ratto is following us!”
“Let’s get away from here asap, please.”

by finocchio nucleare August 2, 2024