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Where yu goin?

Used if you fool someone, or make them think you’re going to do something but you don’t actually. When someone gets baited

*skills up his mate in football*

by floody the twix bunner July 14, 2019

twix bunner

An absolute geeza who takes matter into his own hands by chopping both ends off a twix, lighting one end and bunning a fat one (twix chocolate bar) with the lads

"He is an absolute twix bunner"
"He likes to bun a twix"

by floody the twix bunner November 30, 2017


A commonly used fifa celebration in pro clubs. Used by tall, big, black players to intimidate your opponent as they stare into the camera

Oh shit what a goal mate!
Yeah, let’s do neighbourhood and intimidate them!

by floody the twix bunner July 14, 2019

2👍 3👎


someone who goes to the corner shop to buy mountain dew and wotsits on a daily

that guy is such a yabo
stay away from yabo’s like her

by floody the twix bunner July 31, 2019


A girl with a big bum and big boobs

Jesus bro, that girl is puffed!

by floody the twix bunner April 15, 2018

1👍 1👎