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geek (noun or verb)

I geeb out when I find a new Target store.

by frances September 15, 2003

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Strike dyke

A sporty dyke. Need I say more?

"Yeah, that strike dyke is on the volleyball, soccer, AND basketball team, and she hits on ALL of her team-members in the locker room, doncha know?"

by frances April 24, 2004

7πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


the creamy white liquid that comes from a man's penis after sexual stimulation, see also Jizz

When almost done with sex my boyfriend pulls out and spewgies all over my tits

by frances January 1, 2005

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mic dyke

A lesbian actress or singer, (one who attracts the attention of others).

"Did you hear that mic dyke sing? Damn she has a good voice. Too bad you have a penis or you could ask her out."

by frances April 24, 2004

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Cock Signal

Signal used by raffo when he picks his victims or when he dismissed lunch. The process of pointing one's finger and moving it up and down; usually in the direction of the person(s) that raffo wants to ear rape.

Daniel said "Well, Raffo gave me the cock signal again, time to go into his office."

by frances November 4, 2004

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like dyke

Preppy dyke who says "like" almost like, you know, like, ever other word?

"Dude, like, no way." "Yeah way, and if you say like one more time, I'll kick your booty, you stupid like dyke"

by frances April 24, 2004

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Hike dyke

A hippie dyke, one who might wear flowy skirts or flannel and jeans, and leads a natural/healthy lifestyle (perhaps vegetarian or vegan, etc)

"Woah, that hike dyke has probably not washed her hair for like... ever."

by frances April 24, 2004

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