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Overly-monitored website that's only fun if you either buy VIP, have a shit ton of starcoins and diamonds, and are of high level. You can't even say the word ''name'' or ''poop''. Chat is SO RESTRICTED. The chatrooms get boring as shit as everyone is just standing there showing off their animations, rather than actually "chatting." The movies are repetitive and the users are typically either fucking 50 year old pedophiles or children who have no clue what they're doing. It's fun to buy new clothes and hair and shoes and such though, as at this point that's the only fun activity in the game. And, plus, more likely than not, if you tell someone you play Moviestarplanet they'll laugh at you.

It also used to be filled with a shit ton of hackers and had more drama in it, which was pretty funny. Almost every chatroom you went to had a few people arguing about who looked better and who had a better house.

"I miss the old Moviestarplanet. You know what I mean? Like the 2010-early 2016 moviestarplanet. Now it's boring."

"You're right, damn. That shit sucks. Oh well, at least Minecraft and Roblox haven't burned out yet."

"You right. What Jailbreak server you on?"

by gentle snowflakes November 22, 2018

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The shittiest year ever. It was filled with negativity, sadness, exhaustion, and annoyance.

2018 is ugly. Fucking ugly.

Worst year ever.

"I hate 2018, as it is has been one of the worst years for me."

by gentle snowflakes November 16, 2018

Urban Dictionary

A shit website, with shit "helpers", shit definitions, and shit formatting.

Fuck this shit.

"You like Urban Dictionary?"

"Hell no. I made an account for one day, haven't been on since. That shit sucks!"

by gentle snowflakes November 16, 2018


What you say when you're really about to shit your pants and the bathroom is either far away or occupied.

You typically yell this in a state of panic as you can feel the shit trying ever so desperately to jump out of your butthole. You clench like your life depends on it. Which in this case it lowkey does.


"The bathroom is, like, really far away, and do you see the line? It's occupied! Clench!"

by gentle snowflakes November 22, 2018


Those who watch Anime are typically deemed as dangerous, aggressive, intelligent, sneaky, aloof, mysterious, determined, tough, and even frightening. They'll fuck your shit up if you mess with them. But deep down inside, they are soft, caring, loving, easygoing, nonchalant, and kind of clueless. They make amazing friends as they are protective, but also emit relaxing energy (AT TIMES.)

"One who watches anime, has things sorted in ways of life. They shall not be messed with, as their colors slowly transform into who they can be, who they want to be, and who they will be."

"Dude, you watch Anime?"

"Yes. What about it? ;)"

"U-uh, n-nothing! I-I jus..found it interesting! Hahaha.."

by gentle snowflakes November 16, 2018

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A cooler way of saying pencil. It is much more elegant, divine, beautiful, and makes you look ten times more intelligent than you really are. The word itself marks so much significance, looking at it alone is breathtaking.

Next time you want to ask for a writing utensil, ask for a Pencol.

"Hello, may I please borrow a Pencol?"

"A what?"

"A pencol, my love :)"

"Okay, weird ass."

by gentle snowflakes November 16, 2018


What cool kids play, instantly making them superior to their peers. Minecraft requires a great amount of determination, focus, hard-work, and dedication. If you don't play Minecraft, you smell like pure ass.

Minecraft is the best game known to mankind. Roblox and Fortnite look up to this game, wiping away the tears that consist of the sadness of knowing that they'll never be as good as MINECRAFT.

People who play Minecraft make amazing friends. They're cool and typically have really greasy hair, but that's okay.

Minecraft forever!

"Hey, do you play Minecraft?"

"Omg, yes! How'd you know?"

"Your hair is so greasy that it looks wet. Also, you are just so cool dude!"


by gentle snowflakes November 16, 2018