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The Knights Templar

A group of knights who supposedly found the Holy Grail under the Temple of Solomon DUring the Crusades. They became very rich in a very short ammount of time , though no one knows why exactly, the were destroyed just as Quickly as they popped up. It is said that the King got jealous of their riches and wanted them for himself, SO he ordered them all dead ( they were hung, burned at the stake, etc.)

' The Knights Templar supposedly found the Holy Grail under SOlomons Temple IN Jerusalem'

by georgia baby June 6, 2006

40👍 20👎


Someone who wishes to remain unknown

News Caster ' This person wishes to remain anonymous so she doesn't embarras her friends or family. Back to you Bob'

by georgia baby June 6, 2006

70👍 155👎


Someone who has Leperosy. May have Facial and Body disfigurement. (i.e. The face around the mouth has caved in (literally) )

' Oh my gosh, that guys face has caved in! I think he's a Leper!'

by georgia baby June 6, 2006

78👍 69👎