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slemmpinn society

slemmpin society, a crowd of people, slemmpin around in all importance, which they are, therefor, they are slemmpinn society, mostly because it looks like they are just slemmpinn around, which is not true, but that's how it goes.

A: ....really the Q=CLUE there!
B: ..it's because it's slemmpinn society.
A: yes, i thaught so.
B: ...get it?! Slemmpinn society?!
A: not really.
B: le me explain. (read above)
A: they're probably just caffee-in it?!
B: ..yes.

by good attention January 26, 2017

Blow Hole.

Blow Hole: yes, a blow hole is a hole mostly found in sea mammals. No, it does not involve an action or a doing, it is just what it is, a blow hole, the blow hole of a whale can "expand and contract" or "contract or expand" either way it changes size, every so often, at will (so watch out!)

Yes, we do blow on those things, think of a trumpet or a tuba, like really, really, really loud!

No, i don't have anything nice to say about the "blow hole" other than, it happens.

"clean your "Blow Hole." you putz!"

"i trumpet thee oh "Blow Hole." nor a flower nor a nose, a whale, a whale, no less, but a whale!"

"at that moment in time, it was only a whale that could save that man! Watch out for the "Blow Hole" was the last thing he remembered. "

by good attention September 3, 2013

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hundredscribble: in short writing and repeating a "sentence" on the proverbial "blackboard" about something, it's somewhat confidential, or strictly confidential. Usually done if someone does something "badish".

"i hate sarah. hundred times, wait, make that a "hundredscribble" yes, on the blackboard."

"i love sarah. hundred times, wait, make that a "hundredscribble"yes, on the blackboard."

"i'm indifferent to sarah. hundred times, wait, make that a "hundredscribble"yes, on the blackboar."

by good attention January 13, 2014

Let's ho this!

Let's ho this!

definition; to say let's ho this! in a sentence, expressing a understanding, that it is time for some action, in this context, i feel comfortable and confident, that we can pull this off and get that job, task, thing, done meaning: sell something. Let's ho this!

Let's ho this:

- let us sell these beautiful things, so we can feel valued and make big money.
- Dude, i'm doing nothing let's ho this!
- ...mmmm...yes, let's ho this!

by good attention January 22, 2018


actortrap: the feeling of being played upon or "set up" by fellow or other wise "acty" people because of a "wanting" something only you have, what this might be is uncertain, but it is wanted. It also happens with experiencing "new" people, all of a sudden they're there. It's exciting but wait!

For example:This might be a needing, having a huge appetite, a certain type of energy, it can be experienced in "knowing" your friends, you don't have to see them for the longest but that's okay, you know them, you do, nuff said.

"The herd is moving, god this feels like an actortrap."

"She will never stay! Hangfriend. Oh, actortrap."

"Wow! Actortrap? No, because she loves it!"

"Wretched women! What an actortrap! And(t) who's gonna clean this mess?"

by good attention August 1, 2013



employment of which one can feel little satisfaction or sense of accomplishment unless there is punishment or a sense of meanness involved and alas the later feelings are of a stronger urge. (rather scary actually)

"No, that's a total Non-Job, you want kids right? Think about how they would feel?!"

"Dude, i will never work there, NJ, i would like to be a healer!"

" I almost took a Non-Job, what was i thinking? Are you my friend or what?! Tell me you got my back man?!"

"Can't do it, it's an NJ ..yeah don't like to punish."

by good attention July 4, 2013

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beautiful people fatigue syndrome or BPFS is a common condition that involves the total ignorance of "beautiful" people, which can result in delay or complete denial of status surrounding that beautifulness. Although it's fun sometimes to give attention.

"wow, they are always the same height, they look alike...yes, their with the program..oh 2.3 kids? no, the business-typ-marriage-dating-thing...ohhh...the one with the car? yes, that's the one. BPFS.

"did you see the dress? No, not really. The shoes? no, not really. the incredible hunky boyfriend? i'm a flexitarian myself. BPFS.

"did you see those teeth? it doesn't even look like flirting anymore!BPFS"

"What's up with being human?! Seen one, seen them all! BPFS"

by good attention June 21, 2014

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