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Website Whore

An individual who attempts to whore, or promote their website (which is often little known, useless, and has a disastrous layout) on urban dictionary. Their "definition" of their website is one-sided, making it sound as if they have come up with the best idea since sliced bread. They are the cause of an estimated 90% of headaches in urban dictionary editors.

A Website Whore: hay guyz i know ur thinking that a definition for belgium would b about belgium, but guess what ur wrong! this is a promotion for my website: www.thissiteisapieceofcrap.com it has funny flash cartoons, a blog about me; someone you will never meet or care about in ur entire life and anime music videos! this site has never been done before right? this is comepletly original right? right? right?

by guest drone #89 May 28, 2007

9πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


1. To be killed without warning.
2. Having your account banned from a website, usually done by an administrator or moderator

1. Did you here about the man that got iced a month ago?
2. The administrator iced the account of gothdOOd after he tried to hack into the account of a moderator.

by guest drone #89 January 3, 2005

39πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

south park

A really small town in Colorado with a population of less then 200.

It's in COLORADO NOT Canada!

by guest drone #89 December 11, 2004

49πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


A VERY scary girl that is hopelessly in love and obsessvive about a male charector (real OR not). They waste bandwith on many celebrity related sites by their excessive spamming and double posting. The write horrid fanfics about themselves marrying their obsession and having lots of kids. Their vocabulary has yet to expand from OMG,hawt,hot,like,awesome,love,marry,SQEE and kiss.

me: Hi!
fangirl: Do you like orlando bloom? OMG he is so hawt! I am gonna marry him and have 30 kids!
me: okay... (runs away)

by guest drone #89 December 11, 2004

41πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Orlando Bloom

An AVERAGE looking person who DOESN'T want to have purses,pins,pens,bookmarks,clothes and lipstick with his name/picture on them. He needs to move to Russia to get away from those scary, lifeless fangirls.

All the girls were screaming and fighting over an orlando bloom poster.

by guest drone #89 December 11, 2004

1075πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž


1.A sound emitted by rodents, Can mean numerous things,
1. Newborn rodent: Quiet,consistent,barely audible sqeaking.
Meaning The newborn is trying to establish contact with it's parent(s) and littermates.
2. Newborn rodent: Loud, high pitched sqeak or sqeaking.
Meaning: Reaction to a bite delivered by the parents to see if they are alive or healthy (This bite is usualy delivered to the less active newborns).
3. Young "adolecent" rodent: Loud sqeaking. When the rodent is near or being cornered by adults that may or not be it's parents.
Meaning: Tells the adults that they are dealing with a harmless youngster.
4. Adult: Loud,consistent sqeaking
Meaning: Two adults are fighting because their cage is too small, There is a female in the cage (In the case of two males fighting) or because Two unfamiliar adults just met.
2. The sound an old door or gate makes when it hasn't been oiled or propely cared for.

1.By the sqeaking coming from the cage of his hamsters, Johnny could tell that they were fighting again.
2. The old gate sqeaked as he opened it.

by guest drone #89 January 2, 2005

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

urban dictionary

This website genius.

What kind of person looks up urban dictionary on urban dictionary anyway?

by guest drone #89 May 28, 2007

36πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž