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In sports, specifically the playoffs, a Cinderella is a team that does better than expected near the beginning and then quickly fades.

A true Cinderella story: A 13 seed gets into the sweet 16 of the NCAA Basketball Tournament, and is destroyed by an 8 seed.

by guided fox March 22, 2005

339πŸ‘ 172πŸ‘Ž

on the make

on the prowl (looking for a sexual partner)

guy1: how does it feel to be on the make again?
guy2: what decade did you learn that from?

by guided fox May 28, 2006

125πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

below reproach

Technically Requiring correction, but has in itself become an admonishment.

Take off on "above reproach", which means that an individual is so good that you cannot correct him.

This is Reproach --->
This is you --->

by guided fox August 14, 2005

21πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Vacation Bible School

This summer, I was incharge of 8 kids at my church's VBS.

by guided fox July 1, 2005

259πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž

OEL Manga

Original English Language Manga
Since "Manga" implies a Japanese Author/Artist/Audience, the phrase "OEL Manga" was created to accurately describe a genre of Comics. It is drawn in a style of Manga by an English speaking individual for an English speaking audience. It is not a fan work of other English of Japanese comics.

Megatokyo is an excelent example of OEL Manga

by guided fox November 3, 2005

56πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The number 1 best place for a black in the United States to start a business.

Too many white people have too negative a view of Detroit.

by guided fox February 22, 2005

1131πŸ‘ 800πŸ‘Ž


City name.

In modern times accounts for cites in Michigan, New York, Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, and Montana (in order of importance as determined by Google).

From the 3rd millennium BC to around the 4th century AD, it refers to a series of 9 cities overlaid on top of each other in what is now western Turkey.

Troy, MI is the 2nd largest city in the state based on total property value (Detroit is #1)

Troy VII is most likely the city refered to in Homer's Iliad.

by guided fox July 4, 2005

523πŸ‘ 434πŸ‘Ž