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wedgie are when some on come and pulls are boxers as high as they can

when i was going to my nan's house i went to see my cos(he is 18 and live next door)i was going staying at my nans, but i stayed up late the day befor,so i was tiered, so i when for a nap in my cas room, when he saw me asleep he tied my leg to one side of the bed and my hand to the other, when i wark up, i saw i was tied and called for help, no one was there, when he here me he came upsteirs and gagged me with a sock and got two belt a looped them arpond the leg holes in my boxers, pulled relly hard and tied the belt other side of the belt with my hands cand coved me with a blankit, he told m nan that i was stiying over his house( i was oing to stay over the summer and 3 month over my nans). Every day he wound of fend me lot of water so i wet my self and one sosage,every hour he wourd of pulled hared on the belt and tied them again, for three week i was like that, then he tack all my close and made me were his very big boxers (and i mean they where big)but i told him no, so he noked me out and did it,tied me up agian the same way but the wedgie turd in to a atomic wedgie, he gave me more warter so i pissed my self more and shit my self more i was lke this for 6 week ='(
now every time i sleep over my nan's of the week end he dose the same in a day of what he did in the 9 week but less pain form the wedgie so he kick me in the balls, and i am going aver tomorrow!!!!!!

by i hate my cos November 27, 2008

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