Source Code

Code red

When your girl or a girl is on her period.

Mike: how you and your girl doing?
Danny: we doing alright but she got a code red right now.
Mike: oh damn do you need a place to hide? you can crash here.

by iamanthonydean March 5, 2019

Screen surfing

Using an electronic device to search the web or connect with others.

“I didn’t notice the sound of my Uber eats driver outside because I was busy screen surfing.”

by iamanthonydean July 18, 2020

Thug it out

To push through an obstacle. To remain strong during a hard time.

“I was gon quit, but my mama ain’t raise no hoe so ima thug it out.”

by iamanthonydean March 26, 2019

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When it's lightly snowing. It's the combination between the words "drizzling" and "snowing" to create one word.

Tony: Get your jacket! It's snizzling out today.

by iamanthonydean February 25, 2016


When someone tries to or does censor you.

Nick: So that’s when I put it right in her pu...
Nick: Did you really just shockblock me?

by iamanthonydean March 24, 2019

Ghost tits

Tits where the areola and nipple are the same color, tone and/or shade as the rest of the tit giving the effect that they aren’t there.

Greg: How was your date last night?
Louis: I couldn’t finish she has ghost tits.

by iamanthonydean July 14, 2020


Just another name for December, the month which everything becomes about Christmas.

Mike: Hey Joe, merry Christmonth!!!!
Joe: Christmonth?
Mike: Yeah you don’t feel that Christmas vibe everywhere?

Joe: You’re right merry Christmonth!!!

by iamanthonydean December 1, 2019