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back in the day

a wednesday a long time ago.

Wang: Back in the day we used to eat wood.
Chong: No you idiot, that was a thursday. you dumbass.

by ice up da cornhole April 13, 2007

211👍 182👎


well, it is a very complicated concept really. It is hard to explain in words so ill be leaving you wit this -----> that might be a clue. if not, i will understand. put up both of ur hands so the thumb and the pointer finger makes an "L" on each finger. Which ever "L" is facing the right way is left. Right is the other one. if u dont know ur alphabet than u wouldnt be able to read this anyway. if someone is reading this for u, then fuck that person. sphinkter boy

Ching: hey man, turn right at this next intersection. This is extremely important.
Wang: O.K. left it is.

by ice up da cornhole April 12, 2007

149👍 108👎