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tyler perry

cross dressing black man who is a "self-proclaimed" playwright, but writes some very terrible, pointless plays..1) not funny 2)using slave bufonery for humor 3)also see pointless lame humor...

"that tyler perry is a very strange young man...dressing like a woman on stage?!?"

by intellectual black man March 3, 2008

302👍 192👎

lil wayne

to anyone born after 1985 he's going to seem like the best thing since slice bread..truth be told he is the worst lyrists "better yet" the worst rapper out right now....his skills are hella subpar, and as for his freestyles...GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE...half the shit he says makes no sense lyrically...the only rapper i know to use sound effects when he runs out of a flow...and yes he does repeat a lot of his flows track to track and freestyle to freestyle...the dude is HOT GAARRBBAAGGEEE!!

no example needed...just listen to anyone of the (lil wayne) garbage CD's he has put out..

by intellectual black man March 3, 2008

1731👍 1463👎

child support

another way for a woman to strap on her rubber penis and screw you with no rubber or grease...also see fucked and ruined

Friend 1: "man, my ex-wife just hit me with that damn child support!"

Friend 2: "well...there are always hitmen for hire..."

by intellectual black man March 4, 2008

249👍 82👎