Source Code

Flaming half wit

When a person has only half of their wit and has somehow managed to catch on fire.

j00 b33/\/ pwned by Grungemetal!

Josh: You're on fire. Yeah, stop playing counter strike and put it out.

by iwannabeanalcoholic April 24, 2005

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

The Cars

A band around the late 70's who was very familer with the synth sound and used it.Very popular back then. not as much now. one of the main influences of The Strokes. who are hailed as "The saviours of rock". but diden't live up the hype

Could of easily been on the scarface sound track for their newwavish electro-sound.

by iwannabeanalcoholic August 28, 2004

89πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

The Black Hand

A terrorist organization originating pre-World War 1 in Eastern Europe. I use Eastern Europe because its just vague enough to work and i don't feel like doing any actual research.

Back to the definition, The Black Hand is responsible for the assasination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo.

Gavrilo Princip: I think i'll assasinate the Archduke of Austria today seeing as how i'm a member of The Black Hand.

by iwannabeanalcoholic January 28, 2006

28πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A very common hispanic name that translates to "Joe" in english. If you walk into southern California and call this name you are bound to find a friend.

Man, This alcoholic's defintions are so racist and based on stereotypes how can they NOT be awesome?!

by iwannabeanalcoholic April 8, 2005

883πŸ‘ 695πŸ‘Ž

ruin your shit

A term used by Maddox on maddox.xmission.com. Means to "fuck up" or "eradicate" something.

Man, This band totally ruins your shit and stomps your colon

by iwannabeanalcoholic January 22, 2005

28πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Nigga Please

When you accidently bump into/are in the way of a black girl. Then when you try to say sorry you get slapped in the face with a "Nigga Please!" followed by a string of insults including ones aimed at your ethnicity, mom, fashion sense, Etc. And it all ends with a snap of the fingers and a bob of the head and she walks off. Leaving you in a total state of confusion.

Johnson: Oops!, I'm so-
Shaquandaya: Nigga Please!, You look like you just came out of the thrift store with yo cheap ass. Yo mom was a poor white trash hooker and you look straight up retarded! Crazy fuckin' crackas, think they can accidently walk into me!
Johnson:...What just happened?

by iwannabeanalcoholic January 28, 2005

6146πŸ‘ 1205πŸ‘Ž

good citizen

When a person feels the need to watch his or her neighborhood for any behavior they see as bad/dangerous and will ruin anyones day. Although they consider themselves good citizens they are often intimidating and could possibly be mistaken for a neo-fascist leader.

Clint: *breaks glass* I love breaking glass. Its pretty cool and totally harmless. It makes the street look like it has diamonds in it and totally enhances the look of anything.

Will: I agree. It does look pretty cool.

Good Citizen: Hey, You wanna pick that up now?!?!?! I'm saying this with a beer in my hand. I think later i'll go drive in my car and get in an accident but i'll judge you for breaking glass and making the ground look like it has the appearence of diamonds. Rawr. I'm a totally raging alcoholic, I'm a good citizen making kids pick up shards of glass.

by iwannabeanalcoholic April 17, 2005

17πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž