Source Code


Active ingredient in cough syrups. When taken in large amounts it has the ability to really make you trip balls.

You're guitar is melting!

by iwannabeanalcoholic March 5, 2005

232πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

Shock rock

A genre of music that is oriented to shock. Though it is becoming harder to shock people these days because we have "seen it already". Music is usually heavy metal (Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osbourne, KISS) or Industrial metal (Rammstein, Marilyn Manson). But in the end its all just music. The performances were more meant to be shocking then the music itself.

Holyshit! She just pulled a tampon out of her vagina and through it into the most pit!!

by iwannabeanalcoholic March 29, 2005

56πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


The hispanic gangsta that stands in front of his porch and harasses pedestrians as they go by.

gangsta: Yo, bitch! this is MY STREET ya offy ass bitch!

Guy: What?

gangsta: That's right, Bitch!! Ya herrrd me! get off my street ya honkey tonk bitch!

Guy: Goddamn, I hate gangstas!

by iwannabeanalcoholic June 2, 2005

71πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž


a free catalog in which EVERYONE had to have in sixth grade in order to be cool.You would look at this catalog. wishing you had all this expensive crap.and then realised you coulden't skate.

"those shoes look pretty pimp,but i just realised..I can't even Ollie"

by iwannabeanalcoholic August 29, 2004

25πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

tarantuala balls

When one's balls is so hairy that it looks like a tarantuala is clinging to them with all its might. Then you can literally fool any tarantuala into making love with you're hairy tarantuala ball sack.

As the girl was about to fellate me. She saw my balls and walked out of my apartment in a fit of laughter, muttering something about "Mating season".

by iwannabeanalcoholic April 2, 2005

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


When someone does something that is (or is thought to be) cool. Then will brag about it for ages until nobody cares anymore. Usually a bragger will brag about these topics:

-Getting Laid
-Anything the bragger thinks is cool.

Joe: Man, i got laid. I was all up in her and grabbing her tits!

Clint: Nice job! Now wipe that disease off you're cock and come play hacky sack.

by iwannabeanalcoholic April 4, 2005

50πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Most pit

A mosh pit with a bunch of drunk people running around.

We're going into the pit!

by iwannabeanalcoholic June 19, 2005

11πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž