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skiddy pop pop pop

a phrase used by british comedian and rapper, 'road man shaq' AKA 'big shaq'. a phrase used in his latest song 'man's not hot', and soon became a viral meme.

'the ting go skraa, pop pop pop pop pop, SKIDDY POP POP POP'

by jackson mississippi ;) November 20, 2017

18👍 14👎

white men can't jump

a phrase often used in basketball, often when playing 2s and 1s with boys named rory

'oi rory, don't bother trying, white men can't jump!

by jackson mississippi ;) November 20, 2017

8👍 1👎


the most annoying person in the world; enjoys getting with ved in the level 5 bathrooms

'meera what did you and ved do in the level 5 bathrooms?' 'nothing' 'facts'

by jackson mississippi ;) March 12, 2020

2👍 9👎


radge is a British slang term which means 'wild', 'crazy', or 'violent'. the term is quite informal and is usually used by blokes in the pub, in London

'hey mate, do you like this piccy of me and me bird' 'coh blimey, shes well radge' 'init mate'

by jackson mississippi ;) November 21, 2017

1👍 5👎


A burger created by McDonald's, usually very tasty. Also, a phrase used by black people when doing something good, usually on a football pitch - this may consist of a bicycle kick, scorpion kick or volley.

'oi set me up for a mcspicy!!'

by jackson mississippi ;) November 21, 2017

6👍 2👎

just send it

A phrase used by scooter kids, usually white boys on a scooter, when trying to perform a somewhat intense trick. It can also be used by kids doing parkour, but not as much. they may use the phrase 'huck it!'

'im gonna do a tailwhip' 'dude, just send it!'

by jackson mississippi ;) November 21, 2017

11👍 28👎