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(adjective or adverb) (English): Combination of the words "very" and "good."

Pronounced like "good," but with a "v" ("vuh") sound.

Mike: Dude, Jason's party last night, did you go?
Jim: Fuck no. He's a loser. I bet it was terrible.

Mike: Actually, it was vood. Smoked pot, drank smooth-tasting vodka. Really! It was vood times two!
Jim: Fuck, I missed out.
Mike: Hell yeah you did.
Jim: Well, did Jason play music vood?
Mike: Fuck yeah. He was a tight DJ.
Jim: Shit!

by jacrispy vulcano is my mom March 29, 2018

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An adjective used to describe someone on an amount of Xanax that is clearly too much for them.
Being "barred" entails slurred speech, believing you are sober, unable to walk right, etc.

Mike: "Dude, Jason got fuckin barred last night."
Jim: "Really? Well, fuck, yeah. I thought the dumbass drank too much."
Mike: "Being barred is fucking cool if you do it right."
Jim: "yep."

by jacrispy vulcano is my mom August 9, 2017

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The big idea

"What's the big idea" is a phrase used whenever a person has a stupid, impossible, or pointless idea and someone needs to tell them off without being too rude.

Jason: "Dude, let's go smoke weed in public!"
Mike: "Oh, really? What's the big idea? Get arrested?"
Jason: "Uh, no...it's to have fun."
Mike: "In jail? Are you barred again?"

by jacrispy vulcano is my mom December 23, 2017

wire rig

a low, regulated-voltage DC power supply device whose terminals are bare; the purpose of use is to heat the coils of THC oil cartridges. 500 milliamperes (typical old USB port), 1 ampere (iPhone brick), and 2 amperes (iPad brick) are common current supplies. the higher the maximum current, the lower the time needed for a big hit and the higher the chance of overheat--at 2 amperes and 5 volts, one would be putting 10 watts of energy into the cart.

"yeah, so the block i have my wire rig configured with can supply two amps
it gets me RIPPED lol"

by jacrispy vulcano is my mom November 12, 2021


This kid is about 25 y/o, yet constantly makes fun of other people for being grown and on the internet and stupid, even though that's exactly what he does. He always calls his videos "satire" when it's actually a flimsy, shit excuse to not get hated, even though he still makes fun of autistic kids. He always words his insults in a way that usually it's considered an anti-insult, as Ian from iDubbbzTV says. He has a disgusting, poorly-formed chin that he constantly hides while he insults other people who are likely more everything than he is because he is an absolute pussy. All of his videos are stretched out longer than they need to be as well, so he can get more money. Speaking of money, he has a gay ass merchandise store where he sells bleach jokes on clothes, which are still hilarious and super-duper funny, if you have an IQ under 70. He's completely irrelevant by the time you're reading this, as RiceGum would say. Surprisingly, this fucker still has 4.3 million subs, but it's just that no one cares. Likely, he currently makes videos at the rate of five a day in an attempt to catch up with his subs in terms of his shitty view count.
Also, if you look hard enough, you can find his chode and asshole on the internet, not a joke. He even confirms it himself, pretty ballsy, so we can at least give him credit for that: /watch?v=jAPz4iFemRI. He doesn't need more money. Well, we can all feel bad that he got what he is leaked on the internet; a smelly chode and a rotten asshole.

Jason: Do you watch LeafyIsHere? He's so lit.
Mike: No, what the fuck? Wasn't he popular like 10 months ago? Maybe I remember him a little bit... I don't know. He also got fucking wrecked by iDubbbz.
Jim: Yeah, dude. Seriously. He's a pussy anyway.
Jason: Well, he has a hot asshole.
Jim and Mike: What?

by jacrispy vulcano is my mom April 1, 2018

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Fuck's sake

Something you must do something for.

"Just do it for fuck's sake."

by jacrispy vulcano is my mom May 31, 2017

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Used to describe someone heavily under the influence of lorazepam, brand name Ativan. The similar term "barred" is used to describe someone on heavy amounts of Xanax. Can also be used as "lorred out."

The .gif to go along with this definition showcases a lot of benzodiazepine drugs, one of which is lorazepam.

Mike: So, you know Jason, right?
Jim: That dumbass who got barred and groped Ashley Jamison?
Mike: Yeh. Lucky she didn't press charges. Anyway, he got lorred out as fuck last night.
Jim: God damn.
Mike: Yeh, he was sitting on the beanbag chair at Maddox's just fuckin' around with a pencil and looking he was gonna pass the hell out any second. Eventually he just fainted, pretty much. We got so worried we checked his breathing, dude.
Jim: Good he didn't die.

by jacrispy vulcano is my mom September 8, 2017