Source Code

alarm clock charger

a alarm clock that charges your phone.

I don't use a normal charger I use a alarm clock charger.

by joyful coffee July 1, 2023

Tabanus Nippontucki

a genus of horseflies

idk what a Tabanus Nippontucki is tbh

by joyful coffee August 18, 2021


showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence.

easily frightened

The timorous kitten would not come out from under the bed.

by joyful coffee January 13, 2022


when you put the drinking stuff in a hole and swim in in

"i think i'm gonna get a pool"

by joyful coffee June 15, 2021


It refers to that small landing at the top of a flight of stairs where you have to turn and take another flight of stairs whether going up or down.

She took a faltering halfpace towards the shouts of the crowd, towards freedom.

by joyful coffee June 8, 2021


when you fucked up spelling "the one"

thats thoene!

by joyful coffee June 8, 2021


a round black cookie with white icing in the middle. this is made in many flavors, but the original is iconic. i love oreo's.

look shes eating an oreo!

by joyful coffee June 15, 2021