Source Code

hegs wall

Laughably bad, random, or ridiculous resumes and other notes that people send into film production offices. Usually displayed on an office wall for the amusement of all.

David became highly embarassed when he saw his resume pinned up on the hegs wall next to an inmate's love letter to the child actor, a synopsis to an adult film called "Toy Story," and a picture of everyone in the office posing with a carboard cutout of Dean Cain as Superman.

by jp February 26, 2005

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Polynesians from the island of Tonga. Most are either Catholic or Mormon. They are some of the largest people ever. Bob Marley is like a god to them. The most heavily Tongan populated city in the United States is Euless, Texas. Most of them smoke weed which is what prevents a lot of them from making it big in the NFL. In about 6 years, everybody in America will know what a tongan is based on Ofa Moheatau. He'll be bussin heads in the NFL. They usually have a hate for Samoans. Samoans also have a hate for Tongans. Usually in any samoan on tongan fight, it is the tongan that wins. All Tongans are some how related. The entire race.

Tongans are huge!

by jp June 17, 2004

146πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž


A girl dat looks good and dats a freak as well.

Hey Girl, is you gill?
Hey dat girl gill as hell!

by jp January 26, 2005

3πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


a home boy or bro

"what up snooka" if you were sayin that to a friend or someone close

by jp October 27, 2003

21πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A white dude who is trying to be Indian.

Yo man, look at that windian hangin' with Punjab and Mahontek.

by jp December 15, 2004

59πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


or nuke-a-burger franchise. Another name for McDonalds. Named so, for their use of microwave ovens. Nuke means to heat in a microwave oven.

Hey, lets find a nuke-a-burger and get something to eat.

by jp February 4, 2004

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

ass rambler

someone that talks about gettin ass but never hits it

man he aint nuttin but an ass rambler

by jp October 27, 2003

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž