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A loser, someone who literally does nothing. Someone who thinks they're tough; worthless.

Kids literally taking his shirt off and flexing in the courtyard trying to act tough in front of the girls, what an absolute pile.

by kenny chezney March 23, 2022

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When you feel like death after going out to barn burners Friday and Saturday night.

Broooooooo I was sloshed last night. Those fireball shooters got me hung like Stewart Little this morning. Like seriously, it feels like Pearl Harbie is being replayed inside of my dome piece bud.

by kenny chezney February 16, 2022

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Gong show

Absolute craziness. Usually involves partying and just going hard. A bunch of nonsense.

Ben: Boys we just landed in Miami on a Friday
Travis: Bud let's go DT to the clubs, gonna be an absolute gong show.

Ben: Might end up in the back of the red and blue wagon tonight off a perk 30 and some Molly

by kenny chezney February 23, 2022

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Someone who loves the SEND. A guy who lives for the weekend.

This dude just drank a liter of vodka and smoked 4 bowls and is crossed like a crossword puzzle. He's screaming Rowley at the top of his lungs and acting like Joe Biden's son after he snorted a line of Russian coke. What an absolute Tommy.

by kenny chezney March 23, 2022

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Salad Cover

Another term for a hat. Covers your hair(salad).

Bud we're in the Windy City, my letty is getting blown around like my horn was last night. I need a salad cover to contain this flowage from flying off my cranium.

by kenny chezney April 15, 2022

letty dressing

a product that you put in your hair to get it to flow like the Mississippi.

Hey chief, toss my the letty dressing so I can get this cabbage flowing like the Mississippi River. Gonna be pulling some absolute 10'ers tonight.

by kenny chezney February 16, 2022