Source Code

run one out

to spank it, masterbate.

sorry i was late - had to rub one out.

by kevin barnard August 12, 2003

22👍 63👎


see also Giz, Gizz, baby batter, chowder, chowdah

#1 yeah, I'd throw one in her.
#2 uh-huh, I'd fill that with Chowder.

by kevin barnard August 12, 2003

17👍 54👎


cum, or joy-juice

by kevin barnard August 12, 2003

13👍 29👎


New England term for liquor store

Yo, is there a packy near here - gotta pick up a six of tall boys.

by kevin barnard August 12, 2003

464👍 136👎