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1. The result of an attempt at drawing a circle with just a pencil.

2. A mythical shape that resembles both a square and a circle at exactly the same time. This is both impossible and extremly stressful to attempt to draw. It is much like drawing a four-sided triangle.

1. "Dude, use this compass else you'll end up drawing squircles again."

2. Stupid Idiot: "Ive done it! Ive drawn the mythical squircle!"

Friend of stupid idiot: "No, thats yet another square with rounded edges."

by kikumbob October 10, 2005

4๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


The thoughts and hopes that go through ones mind before an engagement/party/happening etc. that consist of imagining what it might be like.
The equation to find satisfaction is found by taking enjoyment and subtracting expectation from it. This is to say that one should never expect too much from something.

Ben expected the party to go perfectly as planned. However, the band did not turn up, the drinks table was knocked over, three men were taking to hospital for the consumption of too much whisky an his car broke down on the way back. Although Ben had had a great time there, he found that he was not satisfied with the outcome because he had had very high expectations.

by kikumbob September 6, 2005

40๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž