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A nickname for the Corona Virus.

“Yo, Dude, do you have the rona?

by l.f.e April 20, 2020

113👍 15👎


Adrianna is a very popular girl. She’s pretty quiet all the time, & is only loud when she’s with her best friend out of school. She hates all her teachers for no reason & shows it by giving them dirty looks. She’s nice to everyone though & smiles to the people she knows in the hallways. Adrianna is sooo beautiful but doesn’t think so. She has a boyfriend most of the time & gets called a hoe a lot but she honestly doesn’t let it get to her. Fun facts about Adrianna: she’s close to her sister(s), she isn’t really athletic, she likes dying her hair, she’s a girly girl, she looks like a bitch but shes super nice.

Adrianna won’t go out without makeup on!!

by l.f.e November 4, 2019

13👍 2👎


Alison is an e-girl, tom boy, & girly girl all in one. She’s obsessed with BTS & anime. She has a smile that can light up the whole world & brown eyes that could make u fall in love. She’s a strong Christian, she doesn’t like swearing, but she’s bi-sexual. She doesn’t mind it though, she knows being herself if what God wants her to do. She’s very outgoing & funny & that’s what everybody loves about her. Everyone thinks she’s adorable because of her height , but she hates when people call her short. She gives the best advice & will hype u up when u need support. Alison is a true blessing.

Thanks for making me feel better, Alison, i can truly count on u.

by l.f.e October 27, 2019

13👍 3👎


A word used to describe that whats in a man’s pants is rather large😬

*tik tok comments*

“We all know he’s packin🤚🏼😩🥰”

by l.f.e April 20, 2020

384👍 29👎

VSCO girls

VSCO girls are females that own crocs, vans, millions of scrunchies, a hydroflask, & metal straws. They usually wear oversized t-shirts & get Starbucks. Instead of laughing like a stable human being, they say “sksksksksksk” & when they want to be dramatic, or for literally no reason, they say, “and I-oop”. They post their “cute photos” on their favorite app, VSCO. They CLASSIFY themselves as VSCO girls & admit it. If they don’t admit it, they aren’t a true VSCO girl.

“VSCO girls were EVERYWHERE at my school when i came back from summer vacation.”

by l.f.e October 29, 2019

390👍 28👎